Chess in my life

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Aims to attract public’s attention to very interesting kind of sport – chess to motivate people to go in for chess
9 World chess champions are from Russia and USSR Alexander Aleckhine Mikhail Botvinnik Tigran Petrosian Karpov Anatoly Kasparov Garry Vasiliy Smyslow Mikhail Tal’ Spassky Boris KramnikVladimir
Chess is a base of different skills CHESS Ability to analyze a situation To expect various situations and to count variants of decisions in advance Fast solutions-making An outlook Will power and character development
My best achievements I place The Belgorod region junior championship I place The Belgorod region championship (between adults) III place The World school championship (Greece)
My plans But to be the best of the best it is necessary to be strong. And consequently I have many plans including my results in chess. Thus, I want to be a financial director or a manager of a bank. My skills to give out credits to companies, working in a Bank or to construct cash flow of companies, having built production and sales, should be formed most of all by those qualities which I have got being engaged in chess. George Soros The greatest American financier