Seasons and Months 6 класс

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Презентация на тему Seasons and Months 6 класс к уроку по английскому языку

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Seasons and Months Разработала: учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 14 г. Владимира Потапова Т.В. Ур
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Seasons and Months Разработала: учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 14 г. Владимира Потапова Т.В. Урок английского языка в VI классе по учебнику по учебнику О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой.

Months of the year
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Months of the year

Poems about Winter January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow February snows again And
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Poems about Winter January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow February snows again And sometimes it brings us again. Cold December brings us skating, For the New Year we’re waiting.

Poems about Spring March brings sunny days and winds, So we know that spring begins April brings the
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Poems about Spring March brings sunny days and winds, So we know that spring begins April brings the primrose sweet, We see daisies at our feet. May brings flowers, joy and grass, And the holidays for us.

Poems about Summer June brings tulips, lilies, roses Fills the children’s hands with posies. Hot Jul
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Poems about Summer June brings tulips, lilies, roses Fills the children’s hands with posies. Hot July brings apples and cherries, And a lot of other berries. August brings us golden corn, Then the harvest home is borne

Poems about Autumn Warm September brings us school, Days are shorter, nights are cool. Fresh October
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Poems about Autumn Warm September brings us school, Days are shorter, nights are cool. Fresh October brings much fruit, Then to gather them is good. Red November brings us joy, Fun for every girl and boy.

Can you find the correct month? For example: 1. ….………..takes its name from Julius Caesar. 2…….……....
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Can you find the correct month? For example: 1. ….………..takes its name from Julius Caesar. 2…….……....has the fewest days. 3. ………… the longest (numbers of letters). 4. . …………. has Christmas on the twenty-fifth. . 5. . …………..has thirty days and eight letters. 6. . ………….. starts with the letter O. July February September December November October

7. . ………….. has the letter 1 at the end. 8. . ………….. is a holiday for students in Britain. 9 . ………….
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7. . ………….. has the letter 1 at the end. 8. . ………….. is a holiday for students in Britain. 9 . ………… the first month. 10. ….……… the shortest (number of letters). 11…….…… also a verb (soldiers). 12 ………… also a girl’s name. March April August January May June

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