Summer Fires. Grammar: Subjunctive Mood

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[wə:] The early bird catches the worm. So much the worse for the worm. If the worm were the first, If he were earlier than the bird, The bird wouldn’t catch him.
it were not so dry in summer. the help could come at once. we knew the truth. Subjunctive Mood I wish
there were more fire brigades. we could save the Oka Nature Reserve. they had ponds in the villages. Subjunctive Mood If only
If the smoke were weaker, we would be able to go out. If the villagers could, they would stop the fire. If he took photos, we would see the damage. Subjunctive Mood
Subjunctive Mood people (make) crosscuts in the forests. the government (forbid) making fires. woodmen (cut) dry trees and bushes. the villagers (have) shovels and axes. it (be) enough rainsfalls. I wish If only
What would you do if you were president of the country? a rich businessman? a woodman? an ecologist? Can we stand apart?
Использованные материалы: О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Притыкина “English VIII” М: «Просвещение», 2009 type-2/exercises?02 Текст аудирования адаптирован: Фотографии: