Sovereigns' reign in Great Britain and Russia in the 16th century

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Sovereigns' reign in Great Britain and Russia in the 16th century Written by Anna Lazareva Supervisor: O.D. Polikarpova Lyceum №14
Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ivan IV Tsar of All Russia (ruled 1558-1603) (ruled 1533-1584)
The political situation in England before the reign of Elizabeth I The Tudor age: rapid inflation, Reformation and religious disagreements between Catholics and Protestants.
The political situation in Russia before the reign of Ivan IV The time of centralization and consolidation of lands. The period of political crisis provoked by the rule of struggling boyar clans.
Family of Elizabeth I Henry VIII 1491-1547 (Father) Anne Boleyn c.1504-1536 (Mother) The Lady Elizabeth in 1546, by an unknown artist
Family of Ivan IV Vasili III 1479-1533 (father) Elena Glinskaya 1508-1538 (mother) The Birth of Ivan IV
The early lives of Elizabeth I and Ivan IV The childhoods of both Elizabeth I and Ivan IV was full of painful and confusing episodes. Elizabeth I the death of mother – 3 the death of father – 13 had 3 stepmothers, two of whom were executed Ivan IV the death of father – 3 the death of mother – 8 (assassination by poison) mother was indifferent to the child witnessed the terrible acts of torture and cruelty
The characters of Elizabeth I and Ivan IV Sensitive and intelligent, Ivan became cruel, secretive, suspicious, shy, mistrustful and irritable. He always thought that he was surrounded by enemies and betrayers. The execution of mother and two stepmothers had a negative impact on Elizabeth’s psychology. These tragic events became the reason for her negative attitude towards marriage.
Elizabeth I and Ivan IV were the best educated persons of their time Latin Greek Spanish French History Philosophy Mathematics Art Reading Writing The Bible
Religion Ivan IV Was a devout person, cultivated a close relationship with the Orthodox Church. Religion – a political force. The leader – a God on the Earth. Elizabeth I Was educated in a Protestant faith. Believed in religious tolerance: ‘There is only one Christ, Jesus, one faith’.
Elizabeth’s I domestic policy Religious settlement and the establishment of the Church of England Marriage to the Kingdom Sell of monopolies and official positions in the government
Ivan’s IV domestic policy New law code – the Sudebnik Standing army – the streltsy The Zemsky Sobor – the council of the nobles The first laws restricting the mobility of the peasants; The oprichnina and the persecution of the nobles
Elizabeth’s I foreign policy Elizabeth I considered trade to be the most important foreign policy matter. She encouraged English traders to settle abroad and to create colonies.
Ivan’s IV foreign policy Ivan’s IV reign is remarkable for the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan, colonization of Siberia and unsuccessful Livonian war.
The establishment of Russian-English trade relationships. Ivan IV and English merchant, Richard Chancellor Ivan the Terrible Showing His Treasures to Jerome Horsey
The results of the reigns of Elizabeth I and Ivan IV Elizabeth I – The Virgin Queen, Gloriana England – a powerful trading empire Ivan IV – The Terrible, tyrant and despot Russia – a multiethnic and multiconfessional state
An Illustrated History of Great Britain by David McDowall; «Исторические портреты и этюды» В.О. Ключевский; «История государства Российского» Н.М.Карамзин; Bibliography