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Names and nicknames of places and things in the aspect of culture-oriented linguistics

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Names and nicknames of places and things in the aspect of culture-oriented linguistics:
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Руководитель: Веселова Наталья Владимировна учитель английского языка Автор: ученица 8 «Б» класса Си
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Руководитель: Веселова Наталья Владимировна учитель английского языка Автор: ученица 8 «Б» класса Симакина Полина МОУ «Гимназия № 17»

Linguist Dictionary-maker Journalist Lexicographer Translator Diplomat Ambassador
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Linguist Dictionary-maker Journalist Lexicographer Translator Diplomat Ambassador

The programme of learning of English language for Russian secondary school does not touch upon this
3 слайд

The programme of learning of English language for Russian secondary school does not touch upon this subject in greater detail

Examination of names and nicknames of places and things in the aspect of culture-oriented linguistic
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Examination of names and nicknames of places and things in the aspect of culture-oriented linguistics will have a positive influence on the knowledge of the progress of language, contemporary speech, literature and culture of English-speaking countries

American names and nicknames To examine American names and nicknames of places and things
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American names and nicknames To examine American names and nicknames of places and things

To analyse educational and scientific literature on the research problem; To determine the main term
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To analyse educational and scientific literature on the research problem; To determine the main term of the word “nickname”; To examine the place of nicknames in everyday life of society; To study subdivisions of nicknames; To view the examples that prove the importance of nicknames; To analyze Linguistic and Cultural Guide and the dictionary of names and nicknames; To conclude the results of an interview; To systematize findings.

The method of study of documents (educational and scientific literature, dictionaries); The usage of
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The method of study of documents (educational and scientific literature, dictionaries); The usage of Internet; Taking an interview.

Nickname – a familiar, invented given name for a person or thing; - a kind of byname that describes
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Nickname – a familiar, invented given name for a person or thing; - a kind of byname that describes a person by a characteristic of that person.

Friendly Hostile Neutral Individual Generic
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Friendly Hostile Neutral Individual Generic

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Is it possible to learn about American names and nicknames at school?
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Is it possible to learn about American names and nicknames at school?

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Task 1 Match two parts of the sentences:
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Task 1 Match two parts of the sentences:

Task 2 Choose the appropriate answer 1. What is The City of Firsts? a) A nickname of Kokomo, Indiana
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Task 2 Choose the appropriate answer 1. What is The City of Firsts? a) A nickname of Kokomo, Indiana; b) A nickname of Greece; c) A nickname of Brooklyn. 2. What is The City of the Seven Hills? a) A nickname of Syracuse; b) A nickname for Rome; c) A nickname of Broadway. 3. What is Dog Star? a) A nickname of area in London; b) A name for the star Sirius; c) A nickname for the steam engines. 4. What is Black Diamond? a) A nickname of petroleum; b) Jewel; c) A nickname for coal.

Big Apple NEW YORK
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Big Apple NEW YORK

Red Planet MARS
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Red Planet MARS

The City of Masts LONDON
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The City of Masts LONDON

Black Diamond COAL
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Black Diamond COAL

Great White Way BROADWAY
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Great White Way BROADWAY

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The City of Palaces The East Village Egypt Elephant and Castle Seven Hills Ford Knox The first state
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The City of Palaces The East Village Egypt Elephant and Castle Seven Hills Ford Knox The first state El Dorado Forest Hills The Black Country The City of Kind Hearts Eddystone Light Blackbird

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