Healthy lifestyle

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Healthy lifestyle:
Презентация на тему Healthy lifestyle к уроку по английскому языку

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Презентацію підготувала вчитель СЗШ №1 Проценко Ж.О. Healthy lifestyle
1 слайд

Презентацію підготувала вчитель СЗШ №1 Проценко Ж.О. Healthy lifestyle

What`s the matter with them?
2 слайд

What`s the matter with them?

She has got a headache!
3 слайд

She has got a headache!

He has got a backache!
4 слайд

He has got a backache!

She has got a tummy ache!
5 слайд

She has got a tummy ache!

He has got an earache!
6 слайд

He has got an earache!

He has got a toothache!
7 слайд

He has got a toothache!

He broke his leg!
8 слайд

He broke his leg!

He cut his finger!
9 слайд

He cut his finger!

She caught a cold!
10 слайд

She caught a cold!

She looks dizzy!
11 слайд

She looks dizzy!

What must we do to be healthy?
12 слайд

What must we do to be healthy?

Brush your teeth every morning and evening!
13 слайд

Brush your teeth every morning and evening!

Do morning exercises!
14 слайд

Do morning exercises!

Eat good food to be healthy!
15 слайд

Eat good food to be healthy!

Go to bed early! Get a good sleep!
16 слайд

Go to bed early! Get a good sleep!

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
17 слайд

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

See the dentist every year!
18 слайд

See the dentist every year!

But if you feel ill call in the doctor!
19 слайд

But if you feel ill call in the doctor!

I wish you good health!
20 слайд

I wish you good health!

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