Flora and fauna of the British Isles

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Flora and fauna of the British Isles:
Презентация на тему Flora and fauna of the British Isles к уроку по английскому языку

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FLORA AND FAUNA of the British Isles
1 слайд

FLORA AND FAUNA of the British Isles

Flowers bluebells cornflowers lilac a daisy primroses ROSES dandelions geranium
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Flowers bluebells cornflowers lilac a daisy primroses ROSES dandelions geranium

Forests Elms Beeches Oaks Pines Birches Firs
3 слайд

Forests Elms Beeches Oaks Pines Birches Firs

Fauna Hares Rabbits Deer Butterflies Frogs Dragonflies Hedgehogs Lizards Foxes
4 слайд

Fauna Hares Rabbits Deer Butterflies Frogs Dragonflies Hedgehogs Lizards Foxes

Songbirds nightingale golden oriole robin starling yellow hammer blackbird whitethroat wren
5 слайд

Songbirds nightingale golden oriole robin starling yellow hammer blackbird whitethroat wren

Water birds swan seagull duck geese heron
6 слайд

Water birds swan seagull duck geese heron

The floral symbols of the country
7 слайд

The floral symbols of the country

Listening examination 1. The national symbol of Scotland is … a) the leek b) the purple thistle c) t
8 слайд

Listening examination 1. The national symbol of Scotland is … a) the leek b) the purple thistle c) the red rose 2. … attacked Scotland The Russians The Germans The Scandinavians 3. The Scots made their camp … in the mountains behind the river Tay in the forest 4. When the Scandinavians attacked the Scots they … took their clothes off took their shoes off put their hats on 5. One of the Scandinavians stepped on … a stone a snake a thistle 6. The pain made him … scream cry laugh Choose the correct answer

Present Perfect Progressive The baby to sleep for two hours to paint I the picture since last Sunday
9 слайд

Present Perfect Progressive The baby to sleep for two hours to paint I the picture since last Sunday Ben to wait for me since the morning Denis to play football in the park for three hours Have Has been Ving

Использованные ресурсы: УМК О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой “English” для 8 класса, Дрофа, Москва, 200
10 слайд

Использованные ресурсы: УМК О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой “English” для 8 класса, Дрофа, Москва, 2009. Страноведческий справочник English-speaking countries, Шереметьева А.В., Саратов, Лицей, 2008. www.ecosystema.ru/08nature/world/sc/43.htm www.terra-nostra.ru/foto/england/g

2011 год Презентация выполнена учителем МОУ «СОШ с Мизино-Лапшиновка Татищевского района Саратовской
11 слайд

2011 год Презентация выполнена учителем МОУ «СОШ с Мизино-Лапшиновка Татищевского района Саратовской области» Огаревой Ольгой Александровной

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