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"We are lucky to learn English". Докшина А.А. - учитель английского языка

"We are lucky to learn English". Докшина А.А. - учитель английского языка - Скачать школьные презентации PowerPoint бесплатно | Портал бесплатных презентаций school-present.com
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"We are lucky to learn English". Докшина А.А. - учитель английского языка:
Презентация на тему "We are lucky to learn English". Докшина А.А. - учитель английского языка к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация ""We are lucky to learn English". Докшина А.А. - учитель английского языка" онлайн бесплатно на портале электронных презентаций school-present.com

11. Where in the United States can you find the Golden Gate Bridge? A. San Francisco B. Los Angeles
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11. Where in the United States can you find the Golden Gate Bridge? A. San Francisco B. Los Angeles C. Chicago 12. What is the national musical instrument of Scotland A. Trumpet B. Bagpipe C. Guitar

Great Britain and the USA quiz 1. The British flag is called: A. The Union Jack B. The Union Flag C.
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Great Britain and the USA quiz 1. The British flag is called: A. The Union Jack B. The Union Flag C. The Maple Leaf 2. British kings and queens are crowned at… A. Westminster Abbey B. St. Paul’s Cathedral C. Buckingham Palace

3. The Tower of London was started by… A. Julius Caesar B. William the Conqueror C. Henry VIII 4. Th
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3. The Tower of London was started by… A. Julius Caesar B. William the Conqueror C. Henry VIII 4. The birthday of the United States is celebrated… A. On December,25th B. On March,8th C. On July, 4th

5. What color are the taxis in New York? A. green B. black C. yellow 6. Prince Charles, the eldest s
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5. What color are the taxis in New York? A. green B. black C. yellow 6. Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British queen, has the title of… A. Prince of Wales B. Prince of Scotland C. Prince of England

7. Which University did Bill Gates go to… A. Harvard University B. Yale University C. Columbia Unive
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7. Which University did Bill Gates go to… A. Harvard University B. Yale University C. Columbia University 8. The national emblem of Scotland is… A. Rose B. Thistle C. Violet

9. What is Harrod’s? A. a bank B. a department store C. a school 10. When did Christopher Columbus d
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9. What is Harrod’s? A. a bank B. a department store C. a school 10. When did Christopher Columbus discover America? A. In 1592 B. In 1692 C. In 1492

We are lucky to learn English
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We are lucky to learn English

Brainstorming ideas Do you think it is important to know English? Why? How can we use it? What are,
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Brainstorming ideas Do you think it is important to know English? Why? How can we use it? What are, in your opinion, some of the best ways of learning English?

Participate or not? It’s very beneficial to participate in a student exchange program debate
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Participate or not? It’s very beneficial to participate in a student exchange program debate

Rules of Behaving We should respect the customs and traditions of the country; We should follow the
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Rules of Behaving We should respect the customs and traditions of the country; We should follow the rules of the family; We should be friendly; If you have any problems-we should speak about them to our coordinator

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