Great Britain: Places of Interest

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What is the official London residence of the British Monarch? AThe Kremlin BBuckingham Palace CSt. P
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What is the official London residence of the British Monarch? AThe Kremlin BBuckingham Palace CSt. Paul's Cathedral DThe White House

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What city is the capital of Great Britain? AGlasgow BEdinburgh CCardiff DLondon
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What city is the capital of Great Britain? AGlasgow BEdinburgh CCardiff DLondon

What custom is connected with Buckingham palace? ANew Year’s Tree BHigh Tea CSwan Upping DThe Changi
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What custom is connected with Buckingham palace? ANew Year’s Tree BHigh Tea CSwan Upping DThe Changing of the Guard

Who is the Queen of the UK? AMonica IV BElizabeth II CAnna III DVictoria II
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Who is the Queen of the UK? AMonica IV BElizabeth II CAnna III DVictoria II

What is BigBen? Athe nameof the tower Bthemost famous clock in the world Cthename of the palace Dthe
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What is BigBen? Athe nameof the tower Bthemost famous clock in the world Cthename of the palace Dthe name of the hospital

What river is Londonsituated on? AThe Severn BThe Thames CThe Missouri DThe Don
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What river is Londonsituated on? AThe Severn BThe Thames CThe Missouri DThe Don

What is the town where W. Shakespeare was born? ACardiff BStratford-on-Avon CLondon DMadrid
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What is the town where W. Shakespeare was born? ACardiff BStratford-on-Avon CLondon DMadrid

What is the national sport of England? Afootball Bcricket Clapta Dbasketball
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What is the national sport of England? Afootball Bcricket Clapta Dbasketball

Who was the English author, best known for his “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”? AJonathan Swift B
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Who was the English author, best known for his “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”? AJonathan Swift BLewis Carroll CW. Shakespeare DMark Twain

Whosemonument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square? AG.Washington BI.Stalin CAdmiralNelson DGene
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Whosemonument stands in the center of Trafalgar Square? AG.Washington BI.Stalin CAdmiralNelson DGeneral Jefferson

WhatUniversity is the oldest and the most prestigious in Great Britain? APristonCollege BLincoln Col
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WhatUniversity is the oldest and the most prestigious in Great Britain? APristonCollege BLincoln College COxford DCambridge

What town in the UK is famous as a seaside town with cosmopolitan culture? ALiverpool BEdinburgh CLo
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What town in the UK is famous as a seaside town with cosmopolitan culture? ALiverpool BEdinburgh CLondon DBrighton

What is a 700 year old tradition that takes place at the Tower of London? AThe Changing of the Guard
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What is a 700 year old tradition that takes place at the Tower of London? AThe Changing of the Guard BSwan Upping Cfive o’clock tea DThe Ceremony of the Keys

Who was the most famous scientist who worked at Cambridge? AIsaac Newton BM.Lomonosov CAdmiral Nelso
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Who was the most famous scientist who worked at Cambridge? AIsaac Newton BM.Lomonosov CAdmiral Nelson DZ. Fried

InRoman Times London was already a center of …? Aentertainment Btrade Cbusiness Dculture
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InRoman Times London was already a center of …? Aentertainment Btrade Cbusiness Dculture

What’s a regionof mountains and lakes in north-eastern England? AThe Lake Poets BStonehenge CThe Lak
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What’s a regionof mountains and lakes in north-eastern England? AThe Lake Poets BStonehenge CThe LakeDistrict DHadrian’s Wall

What is the capital of Wales? ACardiff BEdinburgh CLondon DDublin
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What is the capital of Wales? ACardiff BEdinburgh CLondon DDublin

What is Union Jack? Athe national flag of Great Britain Bthe symbol of freedom Cthe national food of
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What is Union Jack? Athe national flag of Great Britain Bthe symbol of freedom Cthe national food of GreatBritain Dthe symbol of politeness

Who was Hadrian that decided to build Hadrian’s Wall? AHadrian was a Roman Emperor BHadrian was the
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Who was Hadrian that decided to build Hadrian’s Wall? AHadrian was a Roman Emperor BHadrian was the Prince of the UK CHadrian was the King of France DHadrian was the Prime Minister

Where is Glasgow situated? AEngland BScotland CWales DNorthern Ireland
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Where is Glasgow situated? AEngland BScotland CWales DNorthern Ireland

In what city is the Scott Monument situated? ACardiff BEdinburgh CLondon DMoscow
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In what city is the Scott Monument situated? ACardiff BEdinburgh CLondon DMoscow

Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? AAdmiral Nelson BSt. Patrick CJohn Smith DJohn Bull
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Who is the symbol of the typical Englishman? AAdmiral Nelson BSt. Patrick CJohn Smith DJohn Bull

Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? ASir Christopher Wren BMichelangelo CRastre
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Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? ASir Christopher Wren BMichelangelo CRastrelly DAdmiral Nelson

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