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Николай Хмеленок. Тренажёры по английскому языку. Найди продолжение. Команды

Николай Хмеленок. Тренажёры по английскому языку. Найди продолжение. Команды - Скачать школьные презентации PowerPoint бесплатно | Портал бесплатных презентаций school-present.com
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Николай Хмеленок. Тренажёры по английскому языку. Найди продолжение. Команды:
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Презентация "Николай Хмеленок. Тренажёры по английскому языку. Найди продолжение. Команды" онлайн бесплатно на портале электронных презентаций school-present.com

Найди продолжение После окончания демонстрации изменения не сохранять! Хмеленок Николай Павлович
1 слайд

Найди продолжение После окончания демонстрации изменения не сохранять! Хмеленок Николай Павлович

and read the text. and sit down. and buy fish. and take the book. Go to the table Go to the shop Ope
2 слайд

and read the text. and sit down. and buy fish. and take the book. Go to the table Go to the shop Open the book Take the chair

and draw a cat. and write this exercise. and water flowers. and open it. Go to the blackboard Take a
3 слайд

and draw a cat. and write this exercise. and water flowers. and open it. Go to the blackboard Take a cup Take a box Take a pencil

and take meat. and air the room. and take a new dress. and feed it. Come to the wardrobe Open the fr
4 слайд

and take meat. and air the room. and take a new dress. and feed it. Come to the wardrobe Open the fridge Come to the hamster Open the window

and look at your hair. and take a thick green book. and visit grandmother. and clean the room. Go ho
5 слайд

and look at your hair. and take a thick green book. and visit grandmother. and clean the room. Go home Come to the mirror Open the bookcase Take a basket

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