Николай Хмеленок. Тренажёры по английскому языку. Учимся читать по-английски

- Рубрика: Презентации по английскому языку
- Просмотров: 472
Презентация "Николай Хмеленок. Тренажёры по английскому языку. Учимся читать по-английски" онлайн бесплатно на портале электронных презентаций school-present.com
Упражнение 12 Rr, Hh (Hh тяжело подниматься по лестнице с одной перекладиной) Составил Н.П. Хмеленок
Упражнение 17 (Буква u любит ходить в шапочке и с зонтиком, она всё время переспрашивает: а?) a a a a a a a a a a a a a Составил Н.П. Хмеленок
Упражнение 44 Help me! e (буква e боится стоять одна в конце, она начинает плакать: i-i) Give me! Show me! Show me fresh apples! Show me fresh mushrooms! This is a rabbit. He is funny. This is a fox. She is funny.
Упражнение 57 a cake (Буква е обижается, когда её ставят в конце, она становится немой и все гласные буквы её боятся, а буква а от страха кричит эй)
Упражнение 72 ng [ŋ] (Чтобы получилось ng, надо произнести n в нос с широко открытым ртом и без буквы g)
Упражнение 89 Th [ ] thick, thin, tooth, three, thank you, bath, bathroom, Mister Smith, birthday, one – two – three
Упражнение 24 a pig, a cup, a cap, a pen, pink, a dog and a pig a lamp, Составил Н.П. Хмеленок Составил Н.П. Хмеленок
Упражнение 127 mister, -er, -or читаются без r: sister, letter, butter, tiger, doctor, morning, afternoon, corner, sport, shorts, father, grandfather, clever, dinner, for, fork, form, horse, number, river
Упражнение 130 a mother, o иногда любит маскироваться под a: a brother, a flower, a grandmother, a house, a mouse, a monkey, brown, a son, now. Come in! London
Упражнение 29 a family, (Буква y в конце длинных слов читается i) a puppy, a copybook, berry, funny, candy, happy Составил Н.П. Хмеленок
Упражнение 30 my, В коротких словах буква y читается ай fly, by, my cat Составил Н.П. Хмеленок
Упражнение 163 night, Через эти буквы-мины gh надо перескакивать к следующим буквам, чтобы не взорваться gh right, bright, light, eight
Упражнение 42 children, bench, chick, cherry, check; a big bench, a big fish, a red cherry, a black shelf, a big shop
Упражнение 45 Children, stand up! Show me a red cup! Show me fresh fish! Show me fresh milk!
Упражнение 48 coffee, green, see, meet, sleep, street, speed, tree, week, need, sheep, sweet, bee
Упражнение 49 tree, see, meet, sleep, green, sweets, bee, street, feet, greet, deep, steel, week
Упражнение 51 a green frog, a red box, a black clock, a green tree, a pink pig, a green crocodile I am glad to see you.
Упражнение 56 Is this a puppy? — Yes, it is. It’s my puppy. This is a family. It is a happy family. It’s my family. This is a funny kitten, and this is a funny puppy.
Упражнение 58 a cake, a snake, name, Kate, a table, a lake, a plate, date, late, skate, wake, tape, take
Упражнение 61 man, Kate, hand, bag, name, cat, table, hat, plate, flat, game, can, skate, lamp, apple, cake, stamp, make, cap, gate, glad
Упражнение 63 I, nine, five, bike, ride, like, kite, fine, side, time, life, hi, I am fine, smile, line, I like, driver
Упражнение 64 nine, life, fine, like, bike, I, five, Mike, wide, tie, dive, time, pipe, lie, dine, mine, a kite, a bike, a crocodile
Упражнение 66 Hi, Mike! — I am not Mike. I am Tom. Hi, Bill! — I am not Bill. I am Nick. Hi, Helen! — I am not Helen. I am Ann.
Упражнение 67 I like, a cake, five, a snake, bike, name, Kate, fine, side, a table, time, a lake, like
Упражнение 68 a plate, smile, line, date, late, I, skate, I am fine, wake, hi, tape, take, nine, ride, kite, life, driver
Упражнение 70 a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a frog, a pig, a cock, a hat, a doll, a fox, a window, a bell, a box, a leg, a clock, a flag, a kitten, a duck
Упражнение 71 Is this a chicken? – Yes, it is. Is this a stick? – Yes, it is. Is this a wolf? – Yes, it is.
Упражнение 75 a good dog — a bad dog a good cat — a bad cat a good umbrella — a bad umbrella
Упражнение 76 a good doll — a bad doll a good clock — a bad clock a good dress — a bad dress
Упражнение 77 a good hat — a bad hat a good lamp — a bad lamp a good map — a bad map a good bag — a bad bag a good desk — a bad desk a good pen — a bad pen
Упражнение 78 a good cat and a good kitten a good dress and a good hat a bad dog and a bad cat a bad duck and a bad rabbit
Упражнение 80 This is a good dress, and that is a bad dress. This is a little room, and that is a ___ room. This is a bad clock, and that is a ___ clock.
Упражнение 81 This is a good doll, and that is a ___ doll. This is a big hen, and that is a ___ hen. This is a big desk, and that is a ___ desk.
Упражнение 82 This is a good dress, and that is a bad dress. This is a little room, and that is a ___ room. This is a bad clock, and that is a ___ clock.
Упражнение 83 This is a good doll, and that is a ___ doll. This is a big hen, and that is a ___ hen. This is a big desk, and that is a ___ desk.
Упражнение 85 This is his duck, and that is his hen. This is his rabbit, and that is his cock.
Упражнение 86 This is his room, and that is his bed. This is his bag, and that is his book. This is his bus, and that is his drum.
Упражнение 87 This is his cup, and that is his plate. This is a green apple, and that is a red apple.
Упражнение 88 This is a big plum, and that is a little plum. This is a little nut, and that is a big nut.
Упражнение 91 His name is Bob. And his name is Nick. His name is Mike. And his name is Tom. His name is Bill. And his name Dan.
Упражнение 93 I am Nick. And you? I am Polly. And you? I am Pam. And you? I am Ben. And you? I am Rita. And you? I am Ann. And you?
Упражнение 95 Have you got a kite? — Yes, I have. big, nine, milk, six, I, I have got, lip, five, his, fine, ill, like, time, still, Mike, film, kite
Упражнение 96 his cat, his pig, his present, his bag, his cake, his bike, his kitten, his plate
Упражнение 97 seven kittens, five dogs, six dolls, ten frogs, nine pigs, seven hats, five cocks, six windows, ten crocodiles, six clocks, nine bells, five crocodiles, seven ducks, ten bikes
Упражнение 98 book, balloon, look, spoon, room, too, boot, foot, good, wood, took, hook, brook, moon
Упражнение 99 This is my book. Thank you. I have got a kite. And you? I have got a kite too.
Упражнение 105 I have got five little kittens. This is my street. Have you got a big green frog?
Упражнение 107 Tom has a dog. His dog is big. Bill has a cat. His cat is little. Bob has a cup. His cup is green. Denis has a bus. His bus is red.
Упражнение 110 A red ball, a black wall, a tall man, a tall tree. Vova has got a green ball. I have got a green ball, too.
Упражнение 111 This is a big doll, and that is a small doll. This is a big tree, and that is a ___ tree.
Упражнение 112 This is a tall lamp, and that is a small lamp. This is a tall bed, and that is a small bed.
Упражнение 113 This is a big nut, and that is a big plum. This is a black ball, and that is a red ball.
Упражнение 122 What is your name? — My name is Nick. This is my lorry, and that is your lorry. This is my ball, and that is your ball.
Упражнение 123 This is my cup, and that is your cup. This is my desk, and that is your desk. This is my bus, and that is ___ bus.
Упражнение 124 This is my room, and that is ___ room. This is my teddy, and that is ___ teddy.
Упражнение 125 Sh, ch. Show me! He is funny. She is funny. He is my friend. She is my friend.
Упражнение 126 fish, milk, mushrooms, cherry, butter, a shop, a bench, a shelf ОВОЩИ И ФРУКТЫ
Упражнение 131 How many kittens? — Five kittens. How many ducks? — Ten ducks. How many rabbits? — Seven rabbits. How many cups? — Nine cups. How many hats? — Three hats. Sit down! — Thank you. — Not at all.
Упражнение 137 This is a red car, and that is a green car. This is my mother, and this is his mother.
Упражнение 138 This is a flower, and that is a letter. I have got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother.
Упражнение 151 What is her name? — Her name is Len. Her name is Dolly, and his name is Billy.
Упражнение 155 Is this a bed? — No, it is not. It’s a sofa. Have you a rose? — No, I have not. This is a bed, and that is a sofa.
Упражнение 161 face, nice, place, rice, pencil, ice Nice to meet you. a red pencil — a green pencil
Упражнение 162 This is my pencil, and that is your pencil. My name is Nick. — Nice to meet you.
Упражнение 166 please — [pli:z] blue — [blu:] yellow — [′jelou] white — [waıt] brown — [braun] grey — [greı]
Упражнение 167 What colour? — [wɒt ′kΛlər] one — [wΛn] two — [tu:] three — [θri:] four — [fכ:] five — [faıv] six — [sıks]
Упражнение 168 seven — [′sevən] eight — [eıt] nine — [naın] ten — [ten] eleven — [ı′levən] twelve — [twelv]
Упражнение 169 school — [sku:l] teacher — [′ti:t ə] pencil — [′pensıl] mother — [′mΛðə] brother — [′brΛðə] woman — [′wumən]
Упражнение 171 yard — [ja:d] flower — [′flauə] bear — [′bεə] monkey — [′mΛŋkı] wolf — [wulf]