Goodbye, summer. Hello, autumn

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Goodbye, summer. Hello, autumn:
Презентация на тему Goodbye, summer. Hello, autumn к уроку по английскому языку

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Goodbye, summer! Hello, autumn! Чадаева М.А., учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 711 г. Москвы. Ав
1 слайд

Goodbye, summer! Hello, autumn! Чадаева М.А., учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 711 г. Москвы. Автор

Which month is…? February May July December March START 1 third sixth eighth twelfth seventh fifth f
2 слайд

Which month is…? February May July December March START 1 third sixth eighth twelfth seventh fifth first second

ninety fourteen eighty seventy sixteen fifteen nineteen 16 Put the apples in the plates! 2
3 слайд

ninety fourteen eighty seventy sixteen fifteen nineteen 16 Put the apples in the plates! 2

eighteen twelve seventy thirteen fifty forty twenty Put the plums in the plates! 2 13
4 слайд

eighteen twelve seventy thirteen fifty forty twenty Put the plums in the plates! 2 13

yellow purple pink 2 red white green grey blue yellow brown grey pink 13 green Colour the balloons!
5 слайд

yellow purple pink 2 red white green grey blue yellow brown grey pink 13 green Colour the balloons! 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 11 orange Check! 3 3

What are they like? funny clever strong angry kind 4 Rex Dolly Snoopy Doggy Max
6 слайд

What are they like? funny clever strong angry kind 4 Rex Dolly Snoopy Doggy Max

What are they like? hungry sad young happy fat 4 Lily Daisy Jack Toby Sam
7 слайд

What are they like? hungry sad young happy fat 4 Lily Daisy Jack Toby Sam

Tom is cleverer than Pong. Pong is angrier than Teddy. Teddy is hungrier than Duffy. Duffy is smalle
8 слайд

Tom is cleverer than Pong. Pong is angrier than Teddy. Teddy is hungrier than Duffy. Duffy is smaller than Oscar. Oscar is fatter than Pong. Read! What are their names? Duffy Tom Pong Oscar Teddy 5

Zorro is angrier than Luke. Luke is lazier than Ronny. Ronny is happier than Don. Don is hungrier th
9 слайд

Zorro is angrier than Luke. Luke is lazier than Ronny. Ronny is happier than Don. Don is hungrier than Pussy. Pussy is fatter than Zorro. Read! What are their names? Ronny Zorro Pussy Luke Don 5

What`s the time? half past one ten to one half past two ten to two ten past two quarter to two quart
10 слайд

What`s the time? half past one ten to one half past two ten to two ten past two quarter to two quarter past two twenty-five past one twenty-five past two ten past one 6

What`s the time? half past one five to one half past two twenty to two twenty past two quarter to tw
11 слайд

What`s the time? half past one five to one half past two twenty to two twenty past two quarter to two quarter past one twenty-five past one twenty-five to two five to two 6

Which month is…? November January June April October START 1 tenth third twelfth fourth sixth first
12 слайд

Which month is…? November January June April October START 1 tenth third twelfth fourth sixth first fifth eleventh

Always and Now Sam at the moment. is painting Polly books very often. The girls May dance Mary is sl
13 слайд

Always and Now Sam at the moment. is painting Polly books very often. The girls May dance Mary is sleeping now. on Saturdays. reads is running now. 7 (paint) (dance) (run) (read) (sleep)

Where were they? My friends was were was was were I in the garden yesterday. She in the gym last wee
14 слайд

Where were they? My friends was were was was were I in the garden yesterday. She in the gym last week. Tom and his sister in the forest on Saturday. at the theatre in June. Kate in the house in summer. were was was was were were was were No! No! was were 8 No! No! No!

Where were they? Ann and Dan in the country in summer. was was was was was were were were were were
15 слайд

Where were they? Ann and Dan in the country in summer. was was was was was were were were were were Lena in the park yesterday. I with my friends in July. He on the farm in August. The children in the playground on Sunday. 8 were was was was were No! No! No! No! No! Используется макрос ‘drag and drop’.

P E Mathematics Music Writing What lessons do the children have at school? Back to School 9
16 слайд

P E Mathematics Music Writing What lessons do the children have at school? Back to School 9

Reading Art Science What lessons do the children have at school? Back to School English 9
17 слайд

Reading Art Science What lessons do the children have at school? Back to School English 9

10 In the classroom What is there above the board; in the right- hand corner; on the left of he boar
18 слайд

10 In the classroom What is there above the board; in the right- hand corner; on the left of he board; between the board and the TV-set; near the table; under the shelf? Read! above in the right-hand corner on the left between near under

10 In the classroom What is there under the map; above the map; on the desk; in the right corner; be
19 слайд

10 In the classroom What is there under the map; above the map; on the desk; in the right corner; behind the shelf; in front of the chair? Read! under above on in the right corner in front of behind

a m r a s t n d e u r p b b r r g r b e b a r u s l b n e s o n e a e t c h r r s o r b w n u m Find
20 слайд

a m r a s t n d e u r p b b r r g r b e b a r u s l b n e s o n e a e t c h r r s o r b w n u m Find six school words in the wordsearch Check! 11

a p а m c o t a g l b r u e y m e i w u n t r b a e d l s k g o t w t e e n y o i p o r u p l k 11 F
21 слайд

a p а m c o t a g l b r u e y m e i w u n t r b a e d l s k g o t w t e e n y o i p o r u p l k 11 Find six school words in the wordsearch Check!

Hello, school!
22 слайд

Hello, school!

Материалы, используемые для подготовки презентации. Нехорошкина О. А. «Пузыри. Просто поиграем?» htt
23 слайд

Материалы, используемые для подготовки презентации. Нехорошкина О. А. «Пузыри. Просто поиграем?» Кугут И.А. «Работа с триггерами». Фон собаки com/images/free-dog-clip-art.jpg&imgrefurl= дети мебель zhBw&start=21&sa=N кошки

24 слайд

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